Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Minnesota didn't get the Memo...

Today is officially the first day of Spring in 2013… um… sure… if you say so…

It is sunny… the birds have emptied the feeders & the critters have been active - note all the critter prints on my snowed-over temporary frozen pond (yes, the pond is still there, the ground is too frozen to take in water)…

But I won't be eating lunch out on my deck anytime soon… so I guess I'll just get back down to my studio & create more garden-inspired jewelry…

To those in warmer climes, enjoy your gardens, I'll be joining you when things thaw…

Friday, March 15, 2013


It's still Winter here in Minnesota, so my gardening work is still on hold… but I've been doing some garden-inspired jewelry (and some not so garden inspired)…

Interested in my Jewelry?  Check out my blog An Artful Romp, there's even a page now (brand spanking new) with Items For Sale.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Uh-Oh!! Brooks Pond is back….

Yesterday was beautiful!!

Lots of snow - just look at the piles in front of my neighbor's house, but the temps were pleasant & it was nice & sunny… if you look at my sidewalk you can tell there was some melting…

Then it was warm overnight last night, when I got up this morning it was cloudy but already 37 F, yep that's a melting temp…

When I looked outside this morning I saw this…

The low spot around my Oaks had standing water… and then it rained all day & got even deeper - but I didn't take another picture…

Don't get me wrong, I love that Spring is coming, but I know it's not here yet in Minnesota & I hate the damage that this kind of standing water can do… I really hope it doesn't hurt my Oak trees…

We shall see…